Color Clip Cards (with Real Photos)



This is a fun freebie that will help your child identify and recognize colors in everyday objects using real photos. These wheel clip cards are especially fun with multiple choices and the real photos of the objects. Your preschoolers and kindergarteners are sure to have a blast learning with these Color Clip Cards with Real Photos Freebie.

⭐ This printable is part of the Clip Cards Endless Bundle – Math and Literacy Centers.

What is in this printable?

There are a total of 11 wheel clip cards focusing on the following colors.

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • White
  • Grey / Gray
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Red
  • Purple

How to use this printable:

Learners will identify the color in the center, and then clip the objects that match the color in the center. Each wheel contains 8 objects of which 4 of them match the color in the center while the other 4 objects do not.

Prepping the printable:

– Print the printable, laminate and cut apart to create the wheels. Throw in some clothespin or counters and you are ready to go!

– This printable can be used to strengthen fine motor skills, explore during morning work or used as supplemental math centers. The clip cards are skill-based, they are not thematic, so they can be used anytime during the year. The centers are best used once printed on cardstock and/or laminated. You can choose to implement these centers in an independent way or use with small-groups.

– The printable comes in two versions, a single wheel a page, or two wheels a page.

If you loved this printable, be sure to let me know by leaving a review. Happy teaching! 🙂

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