Kindergarten Back to School Clip Cards – 2D Shapes, Colors, Numbers



These hands-on Kindergarten Clip Cards are a great option for your kindergarten Back to School centers. This printable includes clip cards to practice 2D Shapes, 5 Senses, Colors and Numbers with your preschoolers and kindergarteners. The printable comes in an engaging wheel clip cards printable making this perfect for a hands-on Back to School Math Center! These wheel clip cards are also great for your early finishers, enrichment opportunities, morning work, or even intervention groups.

What is included in this Wheel Clip Cards Bundle?

2D Shapes Wheel Clip Cards (with real photos) – 12 Wheels

5 Senses Wheel Clip Cards (with clipart) – 5 Wheels

Colors Wheel Clip Cards (with real photos) – 11 Wheels

1 to 20 Number Sense Wheel Clip Cards (with clipart) – 20 Wheels

Check the preview for a look inside and for photos in action!

Using this printable:

These hands-on and engaging Wheel Clip Cards are designed for young children who are learning the skills above and can use these for additional practice.

How do you use these clip cards?

Children will use wooden clothespin and clip the sides that match the number/color/sense/shape in the center of the wheel.

How many wheels are included in the printable?

There are a total of 48 Wheels included for all the 4 sets. You can decide how many wheels can be used, it can just a few or all can be used at once depending on the learner.

The printable is offered in two options.

– A single wheel per page

– Two wheels per page

This bundle can be used to strengthen fine motor skills, explore during morning work or used as supplemental literacy/math centers. The clip cards are skill-based, they are not thematic, so they can be used anytime during the year.

The centers are best used once printed on cardstock and/or laminated. You can choose to implement these centers in an independent way or use with small-groups.

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