Gingerbread Ten Frame Mats

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Looking for a fun way to practice subitizing and counting skills? These adorable Gingerbread ten frame mats are perfect for your little learners to practice their counting and subitizing skills. These Gingerbread ten frame mats are perfect for your preschoolers and kindergarteners who can have fun while practicing their subitizing and counting skills. Grab these FREE Gingerbread ten frame mats and use it in a Christmas Unit or just as a math center. Throw in some pom-poms or playdough and you are ready to go.

Gingerbread Ten Frame Mats

Gingerbread Ten Frame Mats – Free Printable

Counting is an essential skill that learners need to develop as a basic mathematical skill. As children begin to count and identify objects numerically they are beginning to build their sense of number sense. Subitizing is another method in which learners can practice their number sense. This Gingerbread ten frame mats will focus on numbers 1-10 as learners will count, build and trace the numbers on each of the number mats. 

This subitizing activity is perfect for kindergartners who can recognize their numbers and need additional practice on this. This printable can also be incorporated as a morning bin or into a math center to allow learners work on their number sense in a hands-on and engaging method.

Grab your free Gingerbread ten frame mats printable at the end of this blog post. Enter your details into the brown box at the end and you will receive an email containing the printable.

Gingerbread Ten Frame Mats

Subitizing Activities

Subitizing is a skill which basically means that when the learner looks at a particular quantity there are immediately able to tell that what the numerical amount is. For e.g. in a ten frame if there are 6 dots present, the learner will be able to instantly identify that there are 6 dots without having to count each dot individually. This is extremely important since learners need to be able to identify small quantities of items without having to individually count everything. This will also help build their foundations for further mathematical skills such as addition and subtraction.

Ten Frame Number Mats – Gingerbread

In order to prep this activity you will require the following materials:

  • Printer
  • Laminator (if you wish to make the pages re-usable)
  • Laminating sheets
  • Dry erase sheets (if you do not wish to laminate, you can opt to use these sheets)
  • Playdough or counters of any sort (pom-poms, snap cubes etc)

For the counters you can use anything you have on hand. If you are planning to use this printable as a themed activity, it would be interesting to add in some themed erasers. If not, simply pick up a tub of playdough, transparent counters or linking cubes are use them for this activity.

Hands-on math ten frame mats

Prepping the Printable:

  • Download and print out the pages in the printable.
  • Laminate the pages if desired.
  • Cut apart the pages to create the number mats. 
  • Throw in the manipulative to build the ten frame with and your learner is ready to use the printable.

Using the Gingerbread Ten Frame Number Mats:

If your learner is just getting introduced to numbers begin with the smaller numbers first. In each mat the learner is required to do three things.

First, the learner will need to count the number of gingerbread cookies on the tray. They will then proceed to build that number into the ten frame using the manipulatives provided. Finally, they will trace the number at the bottom of the mat.

Gingerbread Ten Frame Mats

For example in the mat above, there are 3 gingerbread cookies in the tray. The learner has to count out the number of cookies, and fill in the ten frame with 3 pom-poms or build it using playdough balls. They will then trace the number at the bottom of the mat.

They can slowly work their way through the other mats until they tire or finish all the mats. If the learner is new to this activity, do make sure to introduce only a few mats at once and then slowly increase the length of the activity.

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Grab your Freebie Here!

Gingerbread Ten Frame Mats

To grab your copy of this free printable, enter your details into the brown box below and you will receive an email containing the printable.

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