(FREE!) Good Habits and Safety Posters Printable
Good Habits and Safety Posters
Today, I am sharing a set of posters featuring safety and good habits. These are ideal for preschoolers and toddlers and feature attractive clipart that makes it more interesting! Sometimes, rather than just constantly reminding our children about what’s good and bad, it helps to show them pictures (clipart) of what might be considered right or wrong. For a child, playing with electricity seems pretty harmless, because they are unable to actually see the danger associated with it, but showing them a picture and describing that what is happening in the picture is wrong can last in their minds and can a pretty decent impression.
This is a FREE download so do scroll down to the bottom of the post to get your free printable.
There are a total of 18 posters featuring aspects of safety as well as good habits that are useful. The printable can be used in a couple of ways. There are two posters per page, but if needed the posters can be printed to a smaller size. Just set the settings to print more pages per page.
Prepping the Good Habits and Safety Printable
Print out the colored mats, laminate and put them on the walls or a display board. Children can take a look and talk about the different safety and good habits being demonstrated in the pictures.
Print out the black and white copies and ask the children to colour the pictures in.
This printable includes the following good habits and safety posters:
- Never accept gifts from strangers.
- Look to the left and right before crossing roads.
- Cross the road only when it is safe.
- Do not play with electricity.
- Swim only with adult supervision.
- Playing with fire is dangerous.
- Do not open the door for strangers.
- Use a safety belt when travelling in a vehicle.
- Be kind to animals. Never hurt them.
- Be kind to your friends.
- Do not bully people.
- Do not play with the medicine box.
- Wash your hands before meals.
- Do not use electrical appliances near water.
- Call an adult in case of an emergency.
- Learn to evacuate safely in case of a fire.
- Run away from strangers.
- Shout for help if a stranger is disturbing you.
To download your copy of these free safety printable posters, enter in your details below. Happy teaching!